Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Question Five: Combating Homelessness

5. Tell me about one significant experience that you've had on this trip that would sum up the problem of homelessness in this country.

Jenifer Bowman: I realized when selling papers that many people are too busy or dont care to much about the homeless to even look at them. If more people would even smile or five a little to the homeless it would help them so much.

Ashleigh Gill: Working for street sense showed me that the number one issue at the heart fo this problem is apathy. People refuse to take a look at the situation they shrug at the problem. They go out of their way to take a winded route to get out the way or dilberately turn their faces away from them just so they can avoid seeing their state. Standing there trying to sell a paper I asked many ' Do you want to help the homeless?' and I got thousand nonchalant 'No'

Brittany Altizer: We were selling papers and people would just avoid me or they would stare . People would ask me how I had become homeless or tell me that they know I am not homeless. If people only cared a little then the homless on the street would be fewer

Miranda Mullins: When we took part in Street Sense I realized that people would not even look at me let alone help me. If people outside the homless poplation cannot help the problem cannot be fixed.

Robert Vess Furey: The way that David talked to us and read our poems it seemed to summarize our experoience with homlessness

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