Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Question Eight: Combating Homelessness

8. Tell me one thing you will do- not could do or might do or would be able to do- Tell me one that you will commit to do to help end homelessness after you've returned home for the summer

Kelly Davis: One thing that is a huge problem is the fact that not many people realize how big an issue homelessnessis. So I will help to raise awareness about the problem.

Jenifer Bowman: I will do my part to raise awareness about homelessness back home, I know many people have false stereotypes about the homeless such as that they are lazy and alcoholics or all on drugs. While this may be true for some homeless people. While this may be true for some I have experienced that it is not true for all.

Kayleigh Phillips: I will always donate things such as clothing and food to the homeless.

Tad Binkley: I am going to donate clothes to one of the homeless shelters in Dayton. I will also give some bagged lunches in Dayton to some of the homeless people.

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